La Copla y el Paisaje

360º Video & 3 screens Audiovisual Installation

These 360° videos were made by the Grupo de Relevamiento Acústica y Patrimonio (G.R.A.Pa) (Group of Acoustic Survey and Heritage). G.R.A.Pa. is the result of a cooperation between the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ) and the Universidad Católica de Salta (UCaSal) in 2017. The initial aim was to survey the acoustics of the Natural Amphitheater of Quebrada de las Conchas (Salta, Argentina). For this purpose, we recorded and analyzed Impulse Responses to characterize the acoustics of an extremely irregular space with very peculiar acoustic properties. In 2018, we extended the objective of the project to include the study of a distinctive local song of the area, the Copla with Caja (an autochthonous kind of snare drum). The Copla is an ancestral musical practice; it is performed ritually in improvised rounds where drums (cajas) and voices alternate continuously.

This project is presented in two formats:
  • The immersive audio and video recording have allowed to broadcast these song according to their everyday practiceand in their original site. In this way, the spectator has more real and complete experience as they can place them selves in the centre of the Copla's round.
  • Three screens show the landscapes of the Calchaqui Valleys, where Diaguitas' songs have been reverberating from hundreds of years. A 3D sound system reproduces their Coplas and Bgualas, recorded in the Natural Amphitheater of Cafayate, which express the Diaguitas' cosmovision.